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Only 12 percent of Americans have ‘great’ trust in Biden — who claims he got most votes in history

A new NBC News poll clearly shows what anybody with a brain already knew — nobody besides the most brainwashed Democrat actually likes Joe Biden. The poll, which again, was conducted by NBC News, shows that only 12 percent of Americans have“a great deal of confidence” in Biden, who constantly screams about how popular he is, citing him getting the “most votes in U.S. history.”

The poll relates to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which Biden has gone full-Dick Cheney in his response. Going so far as to call for regime change in Russia. That is until he walked that statement back, tacitly admitting that his first statement was nothing more than another one of his infamous gaffes. But unlike his other senior moments, where he simply embarrasses himself, this one could have sparked World War 3.

Clearly, the American people realize just how incompetent Biden is. The poll in question shows that only 16 percent of respondents have “quite a bit of confidence” in Biden, while 71 percent have “just some” or “very little” confidence in Biden.

But things get even worse for Biden when looking at other polls showing the approval of his overall job performance. Another poll from NBC News shows that just 40% of American approve of Biden’s job performance!

Just look at the price at the pump and it should be clear why Biden’s approval rating is so low.

While six and seven dollar per gallon gas prices may be no problem for the elites backing Biden, it really effects everyday Americans, especially those living paycheck to paycheck.

Those people are probably wishing that they had someone else in the White House. Maybe a guy who presided over one of the greatest economic recoveries in history, all while mean-Tweeting along the way.

What do you think?

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Meme of the Day – 3/28/22