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Hillary Clinton’s big lie in 2016 just cost her over $100,000 after she got smacked with a big fat fine

The anti-Trump Russia collusion hoax didn’t come out of nowhere. It was the result of a well-funded operation led by Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Both Clinton and DNC paid big money to Fusion GPS, who in turn tasked disgraced former British Spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump. Most notably, Steele originated the salacious claim that Trump paid prostitutes to pee on a bed in a Moscow hotel room Barack and Michelle Obama once stayed in.

The payment to Fusion GPS went through the powerful Democrat law firm Perkins Coie, and were labeled as being for “legal advice and services.”

Despite their labeling, the money was clearly meant for opposition research, not legal advice and services.

And the Federal Election Commission (FEC) made that crystal clear in a new ruling which fines both Clinton and DNC $8,000 and $105,000 respectively for mislabeling the payments.

The fine is a result of a 2018 complaint by the Coolidge Reagan Foundation.

In total, over $1 million was paid from Clinton’s campaign and the DNC to produce the now-discredited dossier.

Despite the dossier being discredited, it did what it was meant to do.

Steele’s dossier was spread around the FBI through Bruce Ohr, an FBI official who happens to be married to Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr. From there, it was used to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. That surveillance warrant, not the findings of their spying, was then used as a core piece of evidence to form Robert Mueller’s nothing-burger Russia investigation.

So looking at the big picture, this fine does little to right the wrongs of that sham dossier, which snowballed into a $32 million investigation that discredited Trump during the first two years of his presidency.

Naturally, Trump took a victory lap following this news in a statement.

“Wow! Just out that the 2016 Clinton Campaign and the DNC paid the FEC today for violating the law by failing to disclose that their payments for ‘legal advice and services’ to law firm Perkins Coie was, in fact, a guise to hire numerous companies, all of whom are now named Defendants in my lawsuit, to try and take down and illegally destroy your favorite President, me,” he said in a statement.

“This was done to create, as I have stated many times, and is now confirmed, a Hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again. Where do I go to get my reputation back?”

If a Republican faced a similar scandal, they would be slaughtered by the mainstream media. But it seems that Hillary Clinton could get away with murder and still be a darling in their eyes.

What do you think?

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