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Biden’s abysmal approval rating just hit the magical number Trump has been waiting for

At this point, it is remarkable that anybody who didn’t just wake up out of a two year coma approves of Joe Biden’s job performance.

He has failed at a level not thought possible previously. Hell, even Jimmy Carter seems like a good President compared to him.

Despite having the mainstream media in his back pocket, Biden continues to fail when it comes to his approval rating.

And his latest approval rating is particularly painful for him.

That’s because when his 41% approval rating is compared to President Trump’s approval rating at the same point in his presidency, it shows that Trump had 9% more support at that period!

Remember, this was when Trump was at the height of the phony Russia investigation.

So not only did Trump have intense opposition from the Democrats and the establishment in the Republican Party, he was faced with the mainstream media parroting lies originated by deep state leakers.

Biden has to deal with none of that.

This is just a testament to how badly Biden is failing this country.

Think about it: Barack Obama was failing the country horrifically on every front. Yet, he never faced such a horrible approval rating.

That’s because he had the mainstream media on his side, excusing all his failures. They were essentially an extension of his White House.

The fact that Biden can’t keep his head above water with such a powerful ally on his side is a bad sign for our future.

But it is also a clear indicator that the upcoming midterm elections are going to be a bloodbath for Democrats.

So at least we’ve got that going for us.

Biden’s presidency described in one gif.

What do you think?

Written by admin

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