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DHS Chief Alejandro’s Mayorkas Gets Exposed by Lawmakers for Not Paying Attention to the Border 

When politicians have a clear problem on their hands, the best way to avoid pressure from concerned citizens and lawmakers is to divert attention away from their failures.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Security Alejandro Mayorkas knows this all too well. 

While presiding over DHS, Mayorkas has done precious little to contain the humanitarian crisis taking place at the southern border. 

There are already estimates of 1.7 million migrant encounters taking place in Fiscal Year 2021, with Fiscal Year 2022 expected to blow the previous fiscal year’s numbers out of the water. 

In the first six months of FY 2022, 1 million migrant encounters are projected to be recorded. 

Instead of addressing the clear and present danger of mass migration kicking off at the southern border, Mayorkas believes it’s more important to focus on “domestic extremism”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. After all, this term has an ever-changing definition that suits the DC Swamp’s agenda.

Mayorkas has been on record saying that “domestic violent extremism represents the greatest terrorism-related threat to the homeland.”

A few Republican elected officials have been able to see through the BS and are calling out Mayorkas for his rhetorical tricks and misplaced political priorities. 

Florida Congressman Greg Steube has led the push against Mayorkas demanding that he provide data on any referrals he has made to the Department of Justice on the basis of domestic terrorism.

As expected, Mayorkas didn’t provide any referrals. He said he would provide these referrals after a hearing that took place on April 28, 2022. 

“It tells you that they haven’t referred anybody from Homeland Security to DOJ on domestic terrorism or White nationalism-related charges,” Steube said to Fox News Digital. “And it just goes to show you that the narrative that the Biden administration is trying to create that the No. 1 threat to the homeland is White nationalism and domestic terrorism isn’t true.”

The sick part about this ordeal is that DHS views domestic terrorism — something DHS struggles to define and find any examples of — as a bigger threat to the US than the Zerg Rush going down at the border. For many of these concerned Republicans, Mayorkas is trying to divert attention from the humanitarian disaster transpiring on the US-Mexican border.

“Democrats are absolutely gaslighting the American people,” proclaimed Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. 

“I do not believe that is the biggest threat to our homeland. Our biggest threat is the southern border and the invasion that is taking place,” the Colorado Congresswoman added. 

Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry, who is the Chair of the House Freedom Caucus also chimed in on Mayorkas’ fixation with so-called “domestic terrorists” at a time when it’s clear that illegal alien invaders crossing the border constitute a much larger threat.

“His [Mayorkas] goal is to stigmatize Democrat political opponents by accusing them of being domestic terrorists but couldn’t name a single prosecution referral made to the Justice Department,” Perry told Fox News Digital. “He should be securing our nation from the invasion on our southern border and protecting Americans, instead of acting as the handmaiden for the messaging machine of the radical left.”

Pretty wild stuff. In previous eras of American history, there would be strong calls — from the media to the political class — for Mayorkas to resign. Alas, it’s only a group of Republicans who are calling for Mayorkas to be held accountable. 

Domestic extremism is a term that is thrown around a lot and is very vague in nature. This is not a bug but a feature of the perverted state of discourse in America. The whole purpose of the globalist-occupied DHS is to harass lawful people while doing nothing to address a real crisis at the border.

This is the height of anarcho tyranny, which conservatives such as Sam Francis warned about decades ago. The lawful get punished while the unlawful are allowed to run around with impunity. 

That’s how the cookie crumbles these days. If nothing is done to put a stop to this madness, America is destined for Third World status or much worse.

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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