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Marjorie Taylor Greene Roasts AOC for Voting for Ukraine Military Aid Bill

At one point in American history, the Left could actually be counted on to stand up against unjust wars abroad.

However, those days are long over with all factions of the Democratic Party voting to send $40 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine on May 10, 2022. This bill was approved by a vote count of 368-57.

Among the Democrats who voted for this bill, the progressive “The Squad” made up of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush, Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and Minnesota Rashida Tlaib all voted for this legislation.

All 57 House members who voted against this bill were Republicans. Chief among them was Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

She had mocking words for AOC’s vote on the Ukraine bill. On May 12, Greene tweeted, “

.@AOC, what is the carbon footprint of the proxy war with Russia you voted to fund?”

All joking aside, how can a self-styled “progressive” vote for such legislation. Back then, one could count on progressive leftists to stand up to the warfare state.

The anti-war movements of yesteryear, especially during the Vietnam War, were largely on the Left. However, it appears that things have changed dramatically during the 21st century.

The realignment is real, folks. The populist Right is now the leading voice of realism, restraint, and non-interventionism in foreign affairs.

For those who want a sane foreign policy that is line with the Founding Father’s vision, they will find champions in the growing populist wing of the Republican Party.

They will not find much hope in the present-day Left.

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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Meme of the Day – 05/16/22