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Sleepy Joe Biden Asks New Zealand’s Prime Minister for Advice on Gun Control and Online Censorship

President Joe Biden believes that New Zealand is a model for the United States to follow when it comes to gun control and online censorship. 

On May 31, 2022, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern paid the White House a visit. Biden took advantage of this meeting to talk about several issues such as online censorship and gun control. 

“We need your guidance,” Biden said to Ardern. “And it’s a pleasure to see you in person.”

Biden congratulated Ardern for making significant progress on issues such as climate change, fighting online extremism, and gun control. 

“You understand that your leadership has taken a critical role on this global change, it really has,” Biden declared.

Among the globalist crowd, Ardern is highly respected. She gained a lot of street cred with the globalists following the 2019 Christchurch shooting when her government implemented harsh civilian disarmament measures such as the prohibition of most semi-automatic rifles. 

Ardern has also been a vocal proponent of internet censorship to combat so-called “extremism” online. She blamed the Internet for radicalizing the Christchurch shooter.

The last thing the US needs is to get policy advice from countries that have embraced COVID-19 tyranny, gun control, and online censorship. 

America is unique for its respect for civil liberties. However, that entire reputation could go down the toilet if it starts emulating countries like New Zealand by implementing all manner of government encroachments on people’s civil liberties. 

If we had a serious presidential administration, there would be no need for the president to ask for policy advice from a country that is rapidly descending into 1984-style tyranny. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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Meme of the Day – 06/01/22