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The City of Oakland Labels Racism a “Public Health Crisis”

When political figures can’t win a public policy debate or your political leadership has resulted in total chaos, their go-to move is to play the race card. 

Right now, the primary target is straight white males.  

Earlier this week, the city of Oakland, California took the hysteria to the next level by declaring that racism is a “public health crisis” through a unanimous vote in the city council. 

This vote would now allocate $350,000 to hire a consultant and data analyst in the Department of Race and Equity. 

Oakland’s flirtation with anti-white policies is nothing new. In 2021, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff rolled out a special program to dole out a $500-per-month grant to 600 poor “BIPOC” (black, indigenous, and people of color) families.

What Oakland is pursuing is part and parcel of the multicultural ethos that has absorbed progressive cities nationwide. Irrational hate and crass forms of tribalism are the hallmarks of progressive governance in major cities and will continue to be if no effective resistance is mounted. 

While most of these cities are lost politically, the recent recall of pro-criminal District Attorney Chesa Boudin in San Francisco shows that people can resist the excesses of these woke jurisdictions. 

Disaffected constituents in these districts should take a back-to-basics approach by focusing on issues dealing with crime, quality of life, and public. This approach will allow independent-minded voters to push back against the wokes and bring back some semblance of political sanity at the local level. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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