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Biologists are Now Investigating Animal “Inequality”

Biologists are Now Investigating Animal “Inequality”

No realm of human activity is safe from the woke mind virus.  

Yes, even the sciences, which are worshiped by many pundits, have fallen prey to this cultural insanity. 

At the College Fix, Daniel Nuccio detailed the latest lunacy coming from woke land.  

She referenced several headlines from Salon and The New York Time such as “Squirrel privilege is real”, “Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom”, and “Even Hermit Crabs Have Wealth Inequality.”

The use of woke language in animal studies is an emerging trend that’s taking place in scientific fields and the corporate press as they discuss the issue of perceived animal “inequality.”

Many of these pundits claim that we can learn a lot about income inequality and privilege from these studies. 

“Inequality is a threat to our social fabric, but it’s not just a human problem,” the World Economic Forum claimed back in January in a piece that tried to draw the parallel between human and non-human inequality. 

The WEF’s article is titled “Inequality is not confined to humans. Animals are divided by privilege, too.” 

“Mammals, fish, birds and even insects have been shown to benefit from inherited wealth and abilities,” the WEF’s report proclaimed. “…Some have a better quality of life than other members of the same species – including access to food and shelter – just because of their parents’ status.”

Inequality is a fact of life. Whether it’s for humans or animals. No legislation or social engineering project will change that.  The fact that people are trying to raise awareness about this issue shows that there’s a larger agenda at play. Namely, social engineers view humans as lab rats to be experimented on via government intervention. 

 Many of these people firmly believe that inequality is the existential crisis of our time, thus requiring massive government intervention to “correct.”

This is a recipe for disaster. Any time the government goes on to try to “fix” things, it creates a whole new set of problems.

People will have to come to grips with the fact that inequality is an inescapable reality of human life and can actually be beneficial in many contexts.

Instead of worrying about inequality, our leaders should focus more on improving our quality of life. And they can do so by putting the regulatory state on a diet and introducing sound money so people’s livelihoods can improve while also maintaining their individual sovereignty. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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