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Dutch Farmers are Protesting the EU’s Green Agenda

People across the world are getting restless. They’re beginning to revolt against their globalist overlords and the policies they’re using to destabilize countries. 

In the Netherlands, thousands of Dutch protesters in tractors have come out in protest of the Dutch government’s plan to slash emissions by 30% to 70%. 

The rationale behind this plan is to promote a “green” agenda. Currently, transitions towards green energy are a trendy campaign among global elites. 

This is no random protest. The Netherlands is the 5th largest exporter of food, so any radical changes in environmental policy that affects its agricultural sector could have a massive effect across the globe. 

This new regulation being proposed could lead to the shutdown of scores of cattle ranches and farms. 

Throughout these protests, dozens of tractors clogged up a highway near the German border. 

The protesters upped the ante earlier this week by deploying a tank at food distribution centers. 

Dutch authorities were so freaked out by the protests that they fired “target shots” on the evening of July 5, 2022 during a demonstration close to the town of Heerenveen, per a Pledge Times report

Fishermen across the Netherlands have joined in the protests by blocking ports.

This past weekend, farmers poured manure on government buildings as a form of protest against the Dutch government. 

Things are absolutely getting heated to say the least. 

The Dutch are a very rational and calm people. The fact that they’re revolting against the government should tell you something. 

It’s a sign of the growing economic instability that’s sweeping across the West. We can only expect more protests to kick off in the months to come as the sanctions against Russia blow up in the face of Western countries. 

Undeniably, we’re in for some rough times and political leaders should prepare for the worst. 

Populations that have dire economic prospects and unreliable access to food are absolutely prime for a political revolt. 


What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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