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Americans are Now Crossing the Border into Mexico to Obtain Cheaper Gas 

Thanks to the Biden regime’s boneheaded energy policies such as closing key gas pipelines, Americans have been stuck with massive energy bills. 

In fact, as Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan noted, Joe Biden’s governance has become so “dysfunctional” that Americans are now heading down to Mexico “because gas is cheaper there.” 

This came at a time when Biden met with Mexican President Andes Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)  to discuss how the two countries are dealing with immigration. 

Jordan argued that cooperation between the US and Mexico on immigration matters is virtually non-existent. 

“There is no cooperation,” Jordan proclaimed. “What we have is an open border.”

Jordan put particular emphasis on how AMLO mentioned that Americans are flocking into Mexico to exploit its lower gas prices. For Jordan, that demonstrated how “dysfunctional” the Biden regime has become. 

“But for me the key takeaway was the Mexican president talking about how now Americans are going across the border into Mexico because gas is cheaper there,” Jordan stated.

“If that isn’t a picture for just how dysfunctional [and] how bad the Biden administration has been, I don’t know what it is,” he continued.

Indeed, Jordan is justified in calling out the Biden regime as dysfunctional. After all, that’s the perfect way to describe the way Biden has governed the country. 

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the US is in deep trouble with the likes of a seasoned DC Swamp creature like Joe Biden at the helm. 

Hopefully, Americans can put two and two together and relieve Biden of the burden of holding higher office in 2024. Biden has already done too much damage on multiple fronts to have him run for re-election and continue destroying the country for an additional four years. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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