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AOC and other Elected Officials Pretended to be in Handcuffs During Supreme Court Protests

Earlier this week, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez pretended to be in handcuffs.

This came at a time when police were escorting the progressive elected officials from a pro-abortion protest outside of the Supreme Court. 

According to a Daily Mail report, “Ocasio-Cortez was seen walking escorted away by police with her hands crossed behind her back, as if she were in handcuffs, but she was not. At one point she uncrossed her hands and raised her fists to the other protesters.”

AOC and other elected officials have joined up with pro-abortion protesters to demonstrate outside the Supreme Court on a daily basis since Roe v. Wade was overturned back in June. 

Most of this protest looks to be performative in nature. Democrats, especially the radical pro-abortion types, are convinced that the US is heading towards authoritarianism because of the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. As a result, they will turn to hyperbolic protests and other performative gestures to get their point across. 

Upon careful glance of the facts, the Supreme Court has done nothing to consolidate power in the US. It merely kicked back abortion policymaking to the states. However, for the Left, this is a bridge too far. 

For them, every state, county, and municipality has to be under progressive dominion. Any measure that impedes the Left’s universalist project is automatically going to be labeled authoritarian or fascist.

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Written by José Niño

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