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Liberal heads explode after Alabama passes Constitutional Carry

If there’s three things we love here at Beer League Politics, it’s guns, liberty, and as our name implies, beer. And Alabama just scored a huge win for two of those, which surely has caused millions of liberals to drown their sorrows with the latter (or more likely with white wine and Xanax).

CNN brought the left’s unwashed masses the news yesterday: Alabama’s Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed Constitutional Carry into law, making it the 22nd state to no longer require law-abiding citizens to obtain a government permission slip to carry a firearm.

Our position on the Second Amendment. (Credit: NAGR)

Unsurprisingly, the left responded by flooding the replies to CNN‘s Tweet on the news with delicious liberal tears.

One claimed that God didn’t give us the right to carry a gun!

Actually, nerd, he did: “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”Luke 22:36.

The news also proved to be a big blow to the state’s all-you-can-eat buffet industry, with user Leesa Turnball Guergis declaring that she will never set foot in the state!

CNN even had someone from Ireland weigh in asking “Why?”

It’s pretty simple: More guns equal less crime. Dr. John Lott wrote the authoritative book on the subject, More Guns, Less Crime. He demonstrates that gun crimes happen disproportionally in the very places that gun control is most prevalent, like the crime-ridden city of Chicago.

Alabama’s new Constitutional Carry law will go into effect on January 1, 2023. So if you live in the state, be ready to practice your God-given Second Amendment right on that day!

What do you think?

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Meme of the Day – 03/11/22

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