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Ron DeSantis ripped one skeleton out of the left’s closet to end all debate on the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

When they have lost an argument, Democrats lie. It’s rule number one in their playbook.

The most recent notable case of this was with HB 1557 in Florida, which was recently signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis.

Put simply, the ‘controversial’ portion of the bill blocks public school teachers from discussing sexually degenerate topics with children between kindergarten and third grade. On its merits, the vast majority of Americans support the law, which Democrats understand. So instead of challenging it on its merits, they have labeled the bill the “Don’t Say Gay” bill; a moniker that has been widely accepted by the mainstream media.

In reality, the bill doesn’t even mention the word “gay,” and only applies to children in Kindergarten through Third grade. Most Americans would almost certainly still be in support of this bill on its merits if it was extended into much later grades, but because of the mainstream media framing, a big chunk of the population believe that the law actually outright bans people from using the word “gay” in schools.

Thankfully, DeSantis didn’t buy into the lies surrounding the bill, and signed it into law. Not only that, but he’s taking the left to task on their lies, and hitting back.

In a recent press conference, he brought up disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein, who was a hero on the left before being convicted of numerous sexual assault and rape charges.

“There are people in Hollywood that are opposed to providing protections for parents and enforcing parents’ rights. The one thing I’ll say about that is that if the people who held up degenerates like Harvey Weinstein up as exemplars and as heroes and all that, if those are the type of people who are opposing us on parents’ rights, I wear that like a badge of honor,” DeSantis said.

Weinstein was a major supporter of Democrat politicians. In particular, he was a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, who raked in more cash from the convicted rapist than any other Democrat.

DeSantis clearly destroyed any moral high ground argument Democrats were trying to make with that masterful line.

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