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The Biden Regime Begs Congress to Quickly Approve “Vital” Ukraine Aid 

With each passing day, the Biden regime tries to outdo itself in terms of passing policies that do not advance the interests of the American people. 

The current Russo-Ukrainian war has been fully exploited by the DC Swamp class to justify waging a proxy war against Russia. This comes at a time when inflation is rising and the southern border is collapsing. 

Though, for the Swamp critters, domestic problems are an afterthought. The Russo-Ukrainian War gives them another excuse to dump tons of resources — military or economic — into an area that is of little strategic value to the US. 

The Biden regime appears to be doubling down now as it is requesting Congress to fast-track an additional $40 billion aid package. The House is expected to vote on this package as early as May 10, 2022, while the Senate is expected to deal with the subject later this week or next week. 

So far, the US government has already provided Ukraine $3.8 billion in military aid. 

While the Russo-Ukrainian war is a major tragedy, there is no pressing American interest at stake. 

With the southern border collapsing and the American economy in shambles, the last thing the US government should be doing is sending economic and military aid to escalate a conflict with a nuclear power in a far-off land. 

This latest episode of big spending on Ukraine just shows how out of touch US elites are with the electoral constituencies they supposedly represent. 

The average Middle American does not care about an episode of Slav-on-Slav violence taking place in a far-flung geopolitical theater.

At this point, is passing policies — securing the border, reinvesting in American infrastructure, going to war with Mexican cartels, etc. — that promotes the interests of legacy Americans too much to ask for? 

Inquiring minds would like to know.  

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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Meme of the Day – 05/10/22