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January 6 Political Prisoners Speak About Terrible Conditions in the DC Jail

There comes a point where Americans have to come to the realization that their country is no longer “exceptional.” In other words, America is quickly descending into the very tyranny that it condemns so-called “rogue” nations of carrying out.  

Just look at the way January 6 protesters are being treated. 

Tony Sifter at Headline USA detailed the type of treatment January 6 participants are receiving in jail. He detailed the case of Blaze Media talk show host Steve Deace receiving a letter from a “January Sixther” concerning the way the January 6 protestors have been treated as they wait for sentencing. 

In this letter, the January 6 political prisoner accused the Biden regime of forcing defendants to plead guilty and sign off on exaggerated confessions in order to avoid draconian prison sentences that D.C. Democrat judges and juries are willing to impose on them.

“I am a husband and father who has zero criminal history, and I am looking at years in prison AFTER I took a plea,” the defendant wrote in the letter. “I was threatened with 20 years in prison, something only murderers face.”

“So, at the pleading of my wife, the extreme bias of DC and it’s (sic) ‘jury pool of my peers’ and advice from my lawyer, I destroyed a part of me and signed a paper full of exaggerations, lies and more importantly a narrative that fits what they want,” he added.

“January 6th should be remembered as the last outburst from people who were sick of the coups against Trump,” the political prisoner proclaimed. “We are no longer free . . . and this country WAS taken without firing a single shot.”

“The lies about Russia gate, the double standard of the Bidens and how they obtained their wealth . . . of the BLM rioters . . . the forced LGBTQ pumped into our children,” he added.

In the concluding segment of the letter, the man expressed his dismay at not being able to be with his wife and children.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen to my family while I’m gone for years,” he concluded. “I hope [my wife] and my kids can make it without me.”

There you have it. An unjust imprisonment in the so-called “land of the free.”

Methinks it’s high time that we dispense with the notion that America is “exceptional” when there are prisoners rotting in jail cells for crimes that in the worst case scenarios, were minor acts of trespassing. 

But that’s where we’re at in Clown World USA. We’ve got work to do if we want to fully restore freedom here. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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