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Liberal Professor is Worried About Cultural Appropriation and “Racism” in New Black Panther Movie

Some people just want to make every facet of life miserable for the masses. 

Radford University professor David Anderson is one of many characters on the Left that feels obligated to insert culturally leftist politics in entertainment topics. 

In the sequel to Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Black Panther, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the MCU’s version of Atlantis was expected to be featured in the story. On top of that, this film will feature Namor the Sub-Mariner, one of the first superheroes that appeared in the Marvel franchise.

As Dave Huber of The College Fix observed, “Namor is the hybrid offspring of an American seaman (Leonard McKenzie) and an Atlantean princess.”

For those unaware, Huber noted that Atlantis is a former continent  “situated in the Atlantic Ocean which was home to an advanced civilization and eventually sank into the sea.”

However, a recent report from The Direct, noted that Namor is from the underwater civilization “Talocan” instead of Atlantis.  Huber pointed out that the name “Talocan” is amazingly similar to Tlālōcān — the Aztec ‘paradise for those who have died by drowning or lightning.’ “

This rendition of Namor will be played by Mexican actor Tenoch Huerta and he will be donning “Aztec/Mesoamerican garb.”

For David Anderson, this is a sigh of relief. 

He initially had fears that Marvel was going to “link Atlantis and ancient Mesoamerica” in Wakanda Forever. Anderson was of the view that Atlantis comes with “pit traps” such as “cultural appropriation” and “colonial racism.”  He was also concerned about the message Marvel was sending by implying that the Mayans’ successes were based on their connection with Atlantis, a fictional civilization that is perceived to be European. 

But with Atlantis now being replaced with an ostensibly Mesoamerican civilization, Anderson is now satisfied.

Frankly, this is pathetic. Comic book content is supposed to be fictional in nature and be separated from politics. This media serves as an escape from reality, and should not reinforce the insanity that’s present in our current reality. 

Unfortunately, many of these movie works have embraced woke culture and go out of their way to conform with many of the precepts of political correctness. 

It’s ultimately a two-way street. Academics like Anderson and numerous activists are able to have an outsized influence in shaping the culture. As a result, their propagation of woke ideas and constant pressure compels companies to go woke. 

Similarly, many institutions go out of their way to embrace wokism in order to placate woke audiences and pressure groups. This culture takes a life of its own as institutions go the extra mile to signal their wokeness.

The overall result is a highly-politicized culture where people cannot relax, kick back, and take their minds off the everyday stresses of reality. 

Hopefully, a new counterculture can emerge to provide content that’s not filled with wokism. If this doesn’t emerge, American culture is set to be dull and ornery. 

What do you think?

Written by Believer

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