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US Attorney Plans to Throw Book at January 6 Protester While the Radical Left Runs Loose

Last week, Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, rolled out criminal charges against Joshua Colgan. Colgan is being charged simply for participating in the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol. 

As Julie Kelly of American Greatness noted, Colgan “entered a set of open doors that afternoon and walked around the building; he exited shortly thereafter.” She added, “Capitol Police officers standing near the entrance did not attempt to block or arrest Colgan or hundreds of other protesters at the time who were unaware they were committing any crime.”

Despite not committing any blatantly criminal behavior, Cologan was charged with four misdemeanors which included “parading” inside of the Capitol building. At the moment, Graves’ office is prosecuting at least 800 individuals — a number that is gradually growing — for their involvement in the storming of the Capitol building. 

Since he assumed the position of U.S. Attorney for District of Columbia, Graves has made sure to politicize the event of January 6 by changing the name of the investigation from “Capitol breach” to “Capitol siege.” According to Kelly, Graves’ prosecutors “routinely request—and receive—prison sentences for those who plead guilty to the ‘parading’ charge, a petty offense never before applied on such a broad scale.”

The amusing part about all of this is that Graves’ wife, Fatima Goss Graves, helped organize a heated pro-abortion protest on the afternoon of May 4. Graves is the President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, an organization that pushes for radical feminism and LGBT issues. 

Many of these groups have been largely activated by the recent Roe v. Wade draft leak that indicated the current Supreme Court’s desire to overturn this landmark Supreme Court decision. On the night of May 3, she joined other leftist activist groups in an emergency conference call and declared that this leftist coalition must “engage in ways that we may not have thought we would have had to in our lives.” 

Since then, leftist activists have been protesting outside of the houses of Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito

For any sensible American, such scenes would look like unruly mob actions. However, the Biden regime views it differently, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki declaring that ““So I know that there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date. And we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes and that’s the president’s position.”

That’s how things go in anarcho-tyranny USA. 

If you’re on the Right and engage in a mostly peaceful protest, you get the book thrown at you. But if you’re part of the radical Left, you can engage in activity with very dubious legal merit, and even blatantly illegal activity, and  you’ll receive a slap on the wrist. 

This is a complete perversion of justice and a sign of institutional decay. If America is to survive as a constitutional republic, it must have a justice system that applies laws equally and does not privilege certain interest groups at the expense of others. 

What do you think?

Written by José Niño

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